Improve Urban Resilience to Reduce Disaster Risk

Document Type : Mini-review


1 Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Egyptian Russian University Cairo, Egypt

2 Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


People are drawn to cities as centers of economic activity, opportunity, and innovation. But cities are also places where stresses accumulate or shocks occur as a result of the changes that cities are exposed to from natural disasters as well as man-made disasters. Therefore, cities have become interested in resilience, as it is one of the recent trends in sustainable urban planning. Many cities in the world have tended to the concept of resilience and its application, as the results of studies confirmed that cities that have resilience characteristics are more able to face challenges and return to normal in a shorter time than similar cities. Therefore, the research aims to study the concept of resilience from an urban perspective and at the city level, by fully identifying how urban resilience is interpreted at the present time, and its characteristics, in addition to studying the city’s resilience framework, goals, and indicators, as it can be used as a tool to achieve goals and development initiatives as well as follow-up tools.


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