Guide for Authors

Editorial polic

ERU Research Journal (ERURJ) aims to publish high-quality articles addressing novel significant research and knowledge in various fields as original articles, short communications, reviews, case reports, commentaries, or letters to the editor.

Review process:

Submitted manuscripts are evaluated based on novelty in the investigated topic and represent progress in research. The corresponding author has to sign on the letter of submission to verify that all the authors have agreed to the submission. Received manuscripts will initially be examined by the ERURJ editorial office. Manuscripts that do not meet the ERURJ's publication criteria will be rejected directly from the editorial office. Manuscripts that are lacking preparation in a non-technical aspect, will be sent back to the authors for correction. All submitted manuscript will have a reference number upon submission that will be sent to the authors. The time for first decision from the editorial office will be a maximum of one week. Manuscript fulfilling the ERURJ criteria will be subjected to double blinds peer-review process by three independent experts. The peer-review process decisions should be sent to the editorial office by two weeks. If the reviewer's decisions are contradicted; a fourth expert will be invited for revision.


For previously published tables, figurers, or any sort of data, the authors must provide a permission from the copyright owner(s) or cite the original source (owner) in the references section.


ERUJR editorial board and the publisher will make the effort to ensure that the data and statements to be published are accurate and not misleading. Moreover, it is clear that all the published data and opinions are solely the responsibility of their authors. The publisher and ERURJ editorial board are not responsible for the consequences of any misleading or inaccurate data on intentional or unintentional aspects.

Please download the author template from here, and upload it during the submission as this is a mandatory item.

Articles types

Original articles: Research articles addressing in-depth research in diverse disciplines. The number of words should not exceed 7500 words excluding tables and references.

Short communications: These should be complete manuscripts of significant importance. However, their length and/or depth do not justify a full-length paper. The number of words should be = 3000-3,500 excluding tables and references.

Review articles: Should normally comprise less than 9,000 words; contain structured abstract and includes up-to-date references excluding tables and references.

Mini-reviews: These are reviews of important and recent topics that are presented in a concise and well-focused manner. The number of words is limited to 4000-4,500 words excluding tables and references.
Human and animal rights

The following forms should be filled”

For studies involving human subjects, fill out the following form

Compliance with Ethics Requirements

All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008 (5).

Corresponding Author
For studies involving animals, fill the following form

Compliance with Ethics Requirements

All Institutional and National Guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed.

Corresponding author

For studies that do not involve human or animal subjects (Basic sciences), fill the following form

Compliance with Ethics Requirements

This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects

Corresponding author
Conflict of Interest (mandatory)

A conflict of interest may exist if the author(s) or the author(s)’ institutions have financial or any ties to people or organizations that may influence the results. Consequently, any potential conflict of interest must be disclosed in submissions to the editorial manager. Disclosures are published under the heading "Conflict of interests".
Submission declaration and verification

Submission of an article implies that the work and data submitted for publication have not previously been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere except for academic thesis, lectures or as an abstract.

Role of the funding source

Please list the source(s) of funding for the study for each author in the acknowledgments section. In addition, list all contributors who did not meet the criteria for authorship. Financial and other forms of material assistance should be disclosed and acknowledged.


Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English or Arabic according to the manuscript specialty except for language studies. Manuscript preparation assistance is strongly advised for any author who is not fluent in English before submission. Grammatical and typo error corrections are not the responsibility of the reviewers. Poor writing of manuscript may lead to delay acceptance till proper corrections or rejection.


Our online submission system walks you through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files step by step. E-mail is used for all correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision.

Revised manuscripts

Within two weeks of receiving the editorial decision, the authors must submit a revised version of their submissions. Revision does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication, as revised submissions may be reevaluated. The authors must ensure that each comment is followed by their revision and/or response in response to the reviewers' comments. In cases where an author disagrees with a reviewer's comment or suggestion, please explain why.

To facilitate the reevaluation process, any associated changes in the manuscript must be highlighted on the revised form of the manuscript.

Resubmission of a rejected manuscript

When resubmitting a manuscript previously rejected by ERURJ, authors must include the decision letter from the Editor requesting submission of the rejected manuscript, the original reviewer comments, the responses to the reviewer comments, and the original manuscript number. The resubmitted manuscript must show, in color, where revisions were made in response to reviewer comments.

Article structure

The manuscript should be compiled in the following order:

Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and methods (Experimental or Methodology), Results, Discussion (Results and discussion can be combined in one section), Conclusion, Acknowledgment(s), Conflict of Interest, References, Tables, Figures.

Essential title page information

The title page should include the following:

The title should be brief, concise, and descriptive. It should not contain any literature references or non-standardized abbreviations.

Authors and affiliations:

Supply given names, middle initials, and family names for complete identification. Use superscript lowercase letters to indicate different affiliations, which should be as detailed as possible and must include department, faculty/college, University, city and country.


Mohamed A. Saida

  1. a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Egyptian Russian University, Badr City, Cairo, Egypt.

Corresponding author:

Should be indicated with an asterisk (*), and contact details (Tel., fax, and e-mail address) should be placed in a footnote.
Nomenclature and Units

All measurements and data should be given in SI units where possible, or in other internationally accepted units in parentheses throughout the text.


Illustrations should be referred to as Fig. 1, Figs. 2, 3-5, using Arabic numerals.

Each illustration must be accompanied by a legend clearly describing it. All aspects of the illustration and legend must be fully understandable in a stand-alone format. Ensure that all tables, figures, and schemes are cited in the text in numerical order.


Text: Indicate references by Arabic numerals in brackets, which run in order of appearance

throughout the text (Vancouver style). For instance [4] or [7-10, 13,15].

List: Number the references (e.g., [2]) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.

Examples of references

For journal articles

[1] Said, M. A.; Eldehna, W. M.; Nocentini, A.; Fahim, S. H.; Bonardi, A.; Elgazar, A. A.; Kryštof, V.; Soliman, D. H.; Abdel-Aziz, H. A.; Gratteri, P.; Abou-Seri, S. M.; Supuran, C. T., Sulfonamide-based ring-fused analogues for CAN508 as novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors endowed with antitumor activity: Design, synthesis, and in vitro biological evaluation. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 189, 112019.

For articles in press (online)

Ibrahim, H.; Hamdy, A. M.; Merey, H.A.; Saad, A.S. Dual-Mode Gradient HPLC and TLC Densitometry Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of Paracetamol and Methionine in the Presence of Paracetamol Impurities, Journal of AOAC international, 2021.

 For Books

Hassanien MFR. Bioactive Phytochemicals from Vegetable Oil and Oilseed Processing By-products. 1st ed. , Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021.

 For book chapters

Mekky, R.H.; Hegazy M.M; Cádiz-Gurrea, M.d.L.; Fernández-Ochoa, Á; Segura-Carretero, A. Bioactive phytochemicals from sesame oil processing by-products. Chapter 9-1, Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Bioactive Phytochemicals from Vegetable Oil and Oilseed Processing By-products, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021 p.1-40.

For websites

Egyptian-Knowledge-Bank. Available online: (accessed on 1st December 2020).

These items should be uploaded via Editorial Manager in the following order:

1-Cover letter: Please upload the completed customized cover letter, OF THE FOLLOWING FORMATE

Cover Letter

Manuscript title:

Manuscript Number (if known):


What does the current manuscript add to the existing knowledge? (Research Highlights)

  • ……………………………………………………………………………………....
  • ………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ………………………………………………………………………………………

I/We affirm that the submission represents original work that has not been published previously and is not currently being considered or submitted to another journal, unless it is not published in this journal. Also, we confirm that each author has seen and approved the contents of the submitted manuscript.

Corresponding author signature (on behalf of all co-authors (if any))


Affiliation (Mandatory):
Tel./ Mobile Number (Mandatory):


E-mail address (Mandatory):

Submission date:

2-Main document, which includes the title page, text, references, tables, and figures (mandatory)

3-Conflict of Interest (mandatory)

4-Compliance with Ethics Requirement (mandatory)


Availability of accepted article

For each accepted article, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned, making the article fully citable and searchable by title, author name(s), and full text. This journal publishes articles online as soon as they are accepted. This is in reference to the accepted article (in both HTML and PDF format), which has not yet been copyedited, typeset, or proofread. The article's PDF also includes a disclaimer stating that it is unedited. Subsequent stages of production will simply replace this version.