Peer Review Process

Submitted manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of novelty in the investigated topic and represent progress in research. The corresponding author has to sign on the letter of submission to verify that all the authors have agreed to submission. Received manuscripts will initially be examined by the ERURJ editorial office. Manuscripts that do not meet the ERURJ's publication criteria will be rejected directly from the editorial office. Manuscript that are lacking the preparation in a non-technical aspect, will be sent back to the authors for correction. All submitted manuscript will have a reference number upon submission that will be sent to the authors. The time for first decision from the editorial office will be a maximum of one week. Manuscript fulfilling the ERURJ criteria will be subjected to double blinds peer-review process by three independent experts. The peer-review process decisions should be sent to the editorial office by two weeks. It the reviewer decisions are contradicted; a fourth expert will be invited for revision.