Immediate Implant Placement by Using Socket Shield Technique: A Case Study

Document Type : Short communication


Assistant lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Egyptian Russian University, Badr City, Cairo-Suez Road, Cairo 11829, Egypt.


One popular clinical treatment for missing teeth is immediate implant insertion. But sometimes, the aesthetic result is not as beautiful as anticipated, especially in the anterior maxillary region. The most important factor in determining an implant's success is adequate bone height and width. Poor cosmetic results and implant treatment failure might be caused by physiological bone resorption after extraction and insufficient pre-operative evaluation and preparation of the hard and soft tissues. Numerous methods have been reported for maintaining the thin buccal cortical plate as well as socket changes. To achieve ideal aesthetic results and prevent the detrimental effects of bone resorption of the buccal bone plate following a tooth extraction, the socket shield technique has been proposed in recent years in connection with the placement of immediate implants in aesthetic areas. The current case study describes the diagnosis and treatment of an unrestorable tooth that undergoes socket shield technique for immediate implant placement.


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